Our Mission 

 Our mission takes us on a journey to achieve the following: 

(a) carry out advocacy work for the mixed race Irish community and raise awareness of issues of concern for mixed race Irish people to ensure equal treatment and recognition within the wider community;

(b) provide an informed response to government consultations, investigations and policy developments to ensure equitable inclusion of the mixed race Irish community in the design and implementation of social, health and cultural policy;

(c) conduct or commission research into racism or race relations and the associated implications for mixed race people;

(d) facilitate the coming together and networking of isolated members of the mixed race Irish community to further mutual support and personal empowerment, this includes provision of appropriate support services to meet these objects;

(e) work in partnership with organisations/academic institutions and any such bodies who share the Associations commitment to combating all forms of racism and alleviating its impacts;

(f) promote and enhance positive images of Irish people of mixed race, black or mixed heritage;

(g) carry out charitable and fund-raising activities with the purpose of protecting, improving and developing the lives of mixed race people in line the objects of the company;

(h) work towards redefining the notion of Irish identity in an increasingly diverse world;

(i) work with the mixed race global community to further the above objects.

© Copyright The Association of Mixed Race Irish